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BWB League Records

Updated through 2008 for all leagues and for the BWB-wide records

One of the benefits of perpetual franchises is that over time, each league builds up a history.  On this page, we present the league records for team stats.  At this point, we don't intend to archive individual player records - what's really important is how your team did.

Feel free to check out the records for other leagues and see how the records for this league stack up in the entire history of Benchwarmer Baseball.


League Records - Beatleball
Wins and Losses


Team Year Most Wins Team Year Most Losses Team Year Largest Victory Margin
London 2005 98 Philadelphia 2007 108 London 2005 27
Carlisle 2005 94 Philadelphia 2006 99 Displaced 2006 24
Displaced 2005 94 Newman 2006 99 Displaced 2005 17
London 2006 94 San Francisco 2004 98 London 2006 14
Hoboken 2007 94 Angleton 2004 98 Roseville 2008 14
Displaced 2008 94 Cuyahoga Falls 2008 97 Carlisle 2008 14
Displaced 2006 93 San Francisco 2005 96 Hoboken 2007 13
Carlisle 2008 93 Phil Lane 2004 93 Los Anaheim 2005 10
London 2004 90 Wilton 2005 93 Gorilla 2004 9
Carlisle 2006 90 Parrotheads 2007 93 Carlisle 2004 9
Carlisle 2007 90 San Francisco 2008 93 Displaced 2008 9
London 2008 90 Newman 2008 93
Team Year Fewest GB Team Year Most GB Team Year Longest Winning Streak
San Francisco* 2006 1 Philadelphia 2006 43 London (Games 49-67) 2005 19
Lake Wobegon 2004 1 Philadelphia 2007 43 Carlisle (114-130) 2004 17
Newman 2004 2 Newman 2006 42 Los Anaheim (70-83) 2005 14
Monrovia 2007 3 Cuyahoga Falls 2008 40 Newman (96-108) 2004 13
Alphaville 2007 3 Wilton 2005 37 London (23-35) 2006 13
Roseville 2007 4 Newman 2008 37 Newman (21-33) 2007 13
Los Anaheim 2006 5.5 San Francisco 2004 35 Monrovia (25-37) 2007 13
6 Teams   6 Dinkytown 2005 34 Carlisle (120-131) 2005 12
      Maine 2005 33 6 Teams   11
      Parrotheads 2007 33
      Newman 2007 33
*Lost 1 game Playoff
Team Year Largest 1-yr Improvement Team Year Largest 1-yr Fall Team Year Longest Losing Streak
Displaced 2005 42 Cuyahoga Falls 2008 -34 Phil Lane (Games 74-89) 2004 16
Hoboken 2007 33 Wilton 2005 -27 Troy (2-17) 2006 16
Displaced 2008 24 Margaritaville 2007 -27 Roseville (67-82) 2007 16
San Francisco 2006 23 Displaced 2007 -23 Anaheim (50-63) 2004 14
Alphaville 2006 23 Newman 2006 -20 Maine (71-84) 2005 14
Margaritaville 2008 21 Maine 2005 -19 Newman (73-86) 2005 14
Port-au-Prince 2005 18 Lake Wobegon 2005 -18 Gorilla  (43-54) 2006 12
Monrovia 2007 17 San Francisco 2008 -18 Newman (69-81) 2007 12
Philadelphia 2008 17 NJ 2008 -17 San Francisco (43-53) 2005 11
Dinkytown 2006 16 Troy 2006 -16 Philadelphia (99-109) 2005 11
Troy (43-53) 2006 11

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