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Arkham Knights

Owner John Stroba / Email Team
Manager Lefty Gomez
Stadium Johnson Field
Team Motto / Rallying Cry / Fight Song / Favorite Overused Cliché
Cash Balance* 39113
*In Thousands Click on owner's name to send an email

Instant Messaging/Twitter:

Gilesdemon (AIM), Phoenix Changeweaver (MSN)


Trades are closed for the season
Roster Limits and Salary Totals Printer friendly roster

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Team History

Franchise Record1027-1128 (.477)Conference Champion: 2015, 2014 
Owner Record705-849 (.454) 11 yearsDivision Champion: 2023, 2015, 2014, 2010, 2009
Most Wins89 (2012)Largest Victory Margin: 21 games (2009)
Most Losses96 (2019, 2013)  

Team Roster - Post Season

Last Updated 2/9/2025 Player information semi-accurate as of 2/8/2025

45-man Roster

NameML TeamPrim PosSec Pos2025 Salary2024 SalaryCuttingContract
Shohei OhtaniLADDH, SP 98836406--- 
Bobby Witt Jr.KCSS 79744488---2026
Ketel MarteAri2B 35253035---2025
Rafael DeversBos3B 34054507---2025
Yusei KikuchiLAASP 27922187--- 
Jameson TaillonChCSP 25792015--- 
Nestor CortesMilSP 23201373--- 
Fernando TatisSDOF 19353139---2026
Griffin JaxMinRP 1833769--- 
Jake BurgerTex1B, 3B 17931415--- 
Devin WilliamsNYYRP 15914274--- 
Merrill KellyAriSP 15023373--- 
Charlie BlackmonRetOF 14071461--- 
Christopher MorelTB2B, 3BOF13881207--- 
Yennier CanoBalRP 13011295--- 
Brandon MarshPhiOF 12821233--- 
Yu DarvishSDSP 12632170--- 
Kyle BradishBalSP 10842751--- 
Jesus LuzardoPhiSP 10772404--- 
Craig KimbrelFARP 9471814--- 
Gavin SheetsFA1B, OF 937656--- 
Brandon DruryCWS2B1B, 3B9351818--- 
Eduardo RodriguezAriSP 9272178--- 
Anthony RizzoFA1B 9161276--- 
Gregory SotoBalRP 8831179--- 
Reese OlsonDetSP 867595---2025
Wilmer FloresSF1B 7111496--- 
Triston McKenzieCleSP 6901143--- 
Pete Crow-ArmstrongChCOF 681100--- 
James PaxtonFASP 606538--- 
Spencer TurnbullFARP 574200--- 
Miguel AmayaChCC 553159--- 
Cavan BiggioKC2B1B, 3B, OF439753--- 
Yan GomesFAC 384952--- 
Shelby MillerFARP 303606--- 
Justyn-Henry MalloyDetOF 233100--- 
Joe KellyFARP 170213--- 
Kyle ManzardoCle1B 166100--- 
Nick LoftinKC2B1B, 3B, OF165100--- 
Miguel SanoFA3B1B161280--- 
Victor ScottStLOF 151100--- 
Jace JungDet3B 101100--- 
Brady HouseWasSSx100100--- 
Jordan LawlarAriSSx100100--- 
Ty MaddenDetRP 100100--- 
Graham PauleyMia3B1B100100--- 

Prospects Roster

These players don't count against your 28-player carryover limit

NameML TeamPrim PosSec Pos2025 Salary2024 SalaryCuttingContract
Prospect - Rhett LowderCinSP 200100--- 
Prospect - Jacob WilsonOakSS 108100--- 
Prospect - Gavin CrossKCOFx100100--- 
Prospect - Owen MurphyAtlSPx100100--- 
Prospect - Kyle TeelCWSCx100100--- 

Roster Limits and Salaries

Roster Minimums Roster Maximums
Category Current Value Category Current Value
Minimum Hitters (15) 25 Hitters over 250 (21) 16
Minimum Pitchers (14) 20 Pitchers over 250 (20) 18
Multiposition players - can fill hitter or pitcher role 1 Players over 250 (35) 35
    Players in minor league (10) 0

Total 45-man Roster Size - minimum 29 - maximum 45

These players don't count against your 40-man limit
Players on IR (max 1): 0 Prospects (max 5): 5
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