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Benchwarmer Championships

It's the first time around for this league - which team will claim their place in history?


Survivor Conference: Turino (85-65) vs. Jersey Sea Shore (89-62)

Turino had to fight off two teams in the Fear Factor Division for awhile, but pulled away in the end after taking over first place in Week 16.  Jersey Sea Shore looked as though they'd win in a laugher, but suddenly Gashouse caught up to them and they needed a 1-game playoff to settle the title.


Season series: Split 6-6

League Power Index Rankings: Jersey Sea Shore: 3   Turino: 2

Jersey Sea Shore Wins in 7 Games


Real World Conference: Waldo (87-63) vs. Gladstone (99-51)

Neither of these teams had much trouble in winning their divisions, with Waldo taking the American Idol Division by 18 games and Gladstone winning the Bachelor by 16.


Season series: Gladstone won 9 games to 3

League Power Index Rankings: Gladstone: 2   Waldo: 5

Gladstone Wins in 5 Games


BWB CHAMPIONSHIP : Jersey Sea Shore vs. Gladstone

Jersey Sea Shore had to survive a one-game division playoff and overcome a 3-2 deficit in the conference championships.  Gladstone had an easier path to get here - racking up the league's best record and needing only 5 games to advance past Waldo.  Now they match up to settle the league's first championship.  Jersey Sea Shore won the season that a preview of what's to come?


Season series: Jersey Sea Shore won 4-2


2006 Champion: Jersey Sea Shore Jersey Boys


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Reality Bites Benchwarmer Baseball Championship

Game Jersey Sea Shore vs. Gladstone


  R H E  
Jersey Sea Shore 3 12 1


Gladstone 8 7 0
WP - Smoltz (1-0)  LP - Garcia (0-1)

HR - JSS: Bay (1), Dye (1); Glad: Giambi 2 (2), Thome (1), Rolen (1), Dunn (1)

JSS: Crawford 2-4, 2 R; Bay 2-4, 2 RBI; Dye 2 RBI; Hernandez 3-4

Glad: Giambi 3-4, 3 RBI; Thome 2-3, 2 R, 2 RBI; Dunn 2 RBI, 2 BB;

Smoltz 9 IP, 0 ER

Gladstone leads 1-0


  R H E  
Jersey Sea Shore 6 6 2


Gladstone 4 7 0
WP - Myers (1-0)  LP - Peavy (0-1)

HR - JSS: Konerko (1); Glad: Posada (1), DeJesus (1)

JSS: Sizemore 3-4, 3 2B, 2 R, 2 RBI; Bay 2 RBI

Glad: Posada 3 RBI; DeJesus 2 R, 3 RBI; Peralta 2 R

Series tied 1-1


  R H E  
Gladstone 7 10 2


Jersey Sea Shore 4 9 1
WP - Johnson (1-0)  LP - Armas (0-1)

HR - Glad: Willingham (1), Posada (2); JSS: Dye (2)

Glad: Rolen 2 RBI; Posada 2 RBI; Johnson 7 IP, 8 K, 0 ER

JSS: Crawford 2 R, 2 RBI; Wigginton 2 R; Lopez 3-5, 2 RBI

Gladstone leads 2-1


Extra Innings R H E  
Gladstone 4 8 0


Jersey Sea Shore 5 10 4
WP - Halladay (1-0)  LP - Glad BP (0-1)

HR - Glad: Uggla (1); JSS: Sizemore (1), Kendrick (1)

Glad: Uggla 2 RBI; DeJesus 2 R

JSS: Sizemore 3-5, 3 R, 2 2B; Kendrick 4-4, 2 R; Halladay 9 IP, 2 ER

Series tied 2-2


  R H E  
Gladstone 8 10 1


Jersey Sea Shore 3 9 1
WP - Martinez (1-0)  LP - Cook (0-1)

HR - Glad: Uggla (2), Tracy (1), Rolen (2), Dunn (2); JSS: Konerko (2)

Glad: Uggla 2 RBI; Thome 2 R; Rolen 3-5, 3 R, 3 RBI; DeJesus 2 R; Bullpen 4 SV

JSS: Konerko 3 RBI; Lopez 2 RBI

Gladstone leads 3-2


  R H E  
Jersey Sea Shore 4 10 0


Gladstone 1 5 0
WP - Garcia (1-1)  LP - Smoltz (1-1)

HR - JSS: Sizemore (2), Crawford (1), Wigginton (1)

JSS: Sizemore 2-4, 2 R; Bay 2-5, 2 R; Wigginton 2-3, 2 R, 2 RBI

Glad: Bullpen 5 Sv

Series tied 3-3


  R H E  
Jersey Sea Shore 9 15 0


Gladstone 4 12 1
WP - Myers (2-0)  LP - Glad BP (0-2)

HR - JSS: Bay 2 (3), Hernandez 2 (2), J.Lopez (1)

JSS: Bay 3-4, 2 RBI; Hernandez 3-6, 7 RBI; F.Lopez 2 R; J.Lopez 2 R, 3 RBI

Glad: Uggla 2 RBI; Giambi 2 R, 2 RBI; Rolen 3-5; Tracy 2 R; Peavy 16 K

Jersey Sea Shore wins 4-3


Playoffs main page


Conference Championships

Game Survivor Conference Real World Conference


  R H E  
Turino 6 7 0


Jersey Sea Shore 1 3 0
WP - Hensley (1-0)  LP - Garcia (0-1)

HR - Tur: Utley (1), Bonds (1)

Tur: Bonds 2 RBI; Rivera 2-2; Hensley 7 IP, 0 ER

JSS: Bay 2-4

Turino leads 1-0

  R H E  
Waldo 3 4 2


Gladstone 8 5 0
WP - Smoltz (1-0)  LP - Carpenter (0-1)

HR - Wal: Quentin (1), Alou (1); Glad: Posada 2 (2)

Wal: Alou 2-4, 2 RBI

Glad: Posada 2-3, 3 R, 6 RBI

Gladstone leads 1-0


Extra Innings R H E  
Turino 2 5 3


Jersey Sea Shore 3 13 3
WP - Myers (1-0)  LP - Jennings (0-1)

HR - Tur: Feliz (1); JSS: Bay (1), Dye (1)

Tur: Feliz 2-4, 3 RBI; Jennings 9 IP, 0 ER

JSS: Lopez 4-5, 2 R

Series tied 1-1

  R H E  
Waldo 3 7 0


Gladstone 9 8 1
WP - Peavy (1-0)  LP - Schilling (0-1)

HR - Glad: Thome (1), Encarnacion (1), Dunn (1)

Wal: Roberts 3-4, 4 R, 3 SB

Glad: Thome 3-5, 4 RBI; Dunn 2-4, 5 RBI

Gladstone leads 2-0


  R H E  
Jersey Sea Shore 6 12 1


Turino 2 8 0
WP - Armas (1-0)  LP - Trachsel (0-1)

HR - JSS: Wigginton (1), Lopez (1)

JSS: Konerko 2 RBI; Wigginton 2 R; Lopez 2 RBI

Tur: Betancourt 2-3, 2 2B

Jersey Sea Shore leads 2-1

  R H E  
Gladstone 9 16 1


Waldo 5 7 2
WP - Johnson (1-0)  LP - Wal BP (0-1)

HR - Glad: Uggla (1), Thome (2); Wal: Ortiz (1)

Glad: Uggla 2-3, 3 R, 2 RBI; Tracy 3-4

Wal: Ortiz 2-2, 2B, 2 BB

Gladstone leads 3-0


  R H E  
Jersey Sea Shore 4 7 4


Turino 7 9 0
WP - Tur BP (1-0)  LP - Halladay (0-1)

HR - Tur: Feliz 2 (3), Thames (1)

JSS: Sizemore 2-4; Dye 2-4

Tur: Figgins 2 RBI; Feliz 2-3; Bullpen 5 Sv

Series tied 2-2

  R H E  
Gladstone 3 7 0


Waldo 5 9 0
WP - Santana (1-0)  LP - Beckett (0-1)

HR - Glad: Uggla (2); Wal: Alou (2), Biggio (1)

Glad: Uggla 2-4, 2 R; Tracy 2-2, 2 RBI

Wal: Drew 2 R, 2 RBI; Cabrera 3-4, 2 2B

Gladstone leads 3-1


  R H E  
Jersey Sea Shore 3 11 0


Turino 4 9 0
WP - Westbrook (1-0)  LP - Cook (0-1)

HR - Tur: Utley (2)

JSS: Sizemore 4-5

Tur: Gonzalez 4-4, 2 R

Turino leads 3-2

Extra Innings R H E  
Gladstone 7 8 1


Waldo 6 6 0
WP - Glad BP (1-0)  LP - Benson (0-1)

HR - Glad: Giambi (1), Rolen (1); Wal: Griffey (1)

Glad: Rolen 2-4, 2 R;

Wal: Napoli 2-4, 2 RBI; Griffey 2 RBI

Gladstone wins 4-1


Extra Innings R H E  
Turino 4 5 1


Jersey Sea Shore 5 9 0
WP - JSS BP (1-0)  LP - Hensley (1-1)

HR - Tur: Rivera (1); JSS: Wigginton (2), Lopez (2)

Tur: Rivera 2 RBI

JSS: Sizemore 3-4, 2 R, 2 RBI

Series tied 3-3



  R H E  
Turino 6 15 0


Jersey Sea Shore 8 15 0
WP - Myers (2-0)  LP - Jennings (0-2)

HR - Tur: Rollins (1), Figgins (1); JSS: Bay (2)

Tur: Figgins 4-4 (hit for cycle), 3 R, 3 RBI; Gonzalez 3-4, 2 R

JSS: Hunter 2 R, 2 RBI; Bay 2-4, 3 RBI; Hernandez 4-4, 3 R; Lopez 3 RBI

Jersey Sea Shore wins 4-3


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