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2020 Tiebreakers

In some cases, we need to break ties other than those at the top of the division.  We need to determine 2nd-4th place in each division.  Officially these are still ties, but we break the ties to decide how to award BWB Bucks for division placement and possibly to figure in which post-season tournament teams compete.  See the BWB Rules for full tiebreaking criteria.


Additionally, there are seeding/home-field ties that need to be resolved.


*Note - in 2020 as we seed a 16-team tournament and only 54 games in the season, it's possible that teams shown in division ties below are involved in larger groupings for tournament seeding.  In some cases, the tiebreaker for 3 or more teams may yield a different result for the tournament than breaking the tie within a division.

Division Ties

American Association

  • Pittsburgh Alleghenys Division - Area 51 and Tulsa tied for 2nd and split their series 3-3.  Area 51 (10-8) had a better division record than Tulsa (8-10) to earn the higher seed.

Anchorman League

  • Reasoner Division -  Montreal and Aruba tied for 3rd.  Montreal won the season series 5-1 to take the higher seed.

Batman League

  • Keaton Division - Purple and Cincinnati tied for 2nd and split the season 3-3.  Purple's 11-7 division record (compared to 8-10) puts it in the higher seed.
  • Clooney Division - Gotham City and Bruce Wayne tied for 2nd.  Gotham City won the season series 4-2 to earn the higher seed.
  • Bale Division - Quick Draw and The Jokers tied for 3rd.  Quick Draw gets the higher seed behind a 4-2 season advantage.


  • Lennon Division - Rome and Sunset tied for 3rd and split their season series 3-3.  They have identical 8-10 division records.  Rome's 21-17 conference record gives it the higher seed over Sunset (20-18).

Beer League

  • Water Division - Elsinore and Hornsby's tied for 3rd.  They split their season series 3-3 so the higher seed goes to Elsinore with a better division record (8-10 vs 6-12).


  • Frank Robinson Division - Annapolis and Edgar's tied for 2nd.  Annapolis earns the higher seed with a 5-1 season series advantage.

Blame Canada League

  • Stan Division - Canadian and Ft. Lauderdale tied for 3rd.  They split their season series 3-3, so looking at division record, the higher spot goes to Canadian (7-11 vs 6-12)

Bleed Dodger Blue League

  • Reese Division - Aksarben and Cincinnati tied for 2nd.  Aksarben won the season series 4-2, so is seeded higher.

Blue and Gray League

  • Sherman Division - Lincoln and Savannah tied for 3rd and split 3-3 during the season.  Lincoln's better division record (9-9 vs 8-10) gives it the higher seed.

Born to Run League

  • Latham Division - Only and Cincinnati tied for 3rd.  Only won the season series 5-1 to get the higher seed.

Broadway League

  • Rounding Third Division - Joey and Perth tied for 2nd.  Joey won the season series 5-1 and gets the higher seed.
  • Riding the Pine Division - In a 3-way tie for 2nd, Bring's division record (9-9) is last behind Rusty and All (both 10-8).  Rusty and All split the season 3-3, so getting down to conference record, Rusty (20-18) noses out All (19-19).  So the seeding rank is a) Rusty b) All c) Bring.

Bronx Bombers League

  • DiMaggio Division - Cincinnati and Zephyr Cove tied for 3rd.  Cincinnati won the season series 4-2 to take the higher seed.

Cleveland Rocks

  • Boudreau Division - The Flats and Rock & Roll tied for 2nd.  The Flats has the higher seed after a 4-2 season series win.
  • Averill Division - Not So Hot and Kentucky tied for 3rd.  Their head to head matchups were tied 3-3 so Not So Hot gets a higher seed based on a better division record (9-9 vs 7-11).

Commissioners League

  • Frick Division - Cincinnati and Midwest tied for 2nd.  Cincinnati won the season series 4-2 and is seeded higher.
  • Giamatti Division - Olde English and Towanda tied for 3rd and split their games 3-3.  Olde English's division record of 10-8 is better than Towanda's 5-13, so Olde English with the higher seed.

Deuces Wild League

  • Musial Division - Washington and Lexington tied for 3rd.  Lexington is seeded higher because it won the season series 4-2.

 Federal League

  • Buffalo Buffeds Division - California and Boardwalk tied for 2nd.  California won the season series 5-1 to get the higher seed.
  • St. Louis Terriers Division - Lost and Lexington tied for 2nd.  They split 3-3 in their head to head meetings, so Lost gets the higher seed with a better division record (10-8 vs 9-9).

Five Boroughs League

  • Queens Division - Hollis and Hostile tied for 3rd.  Hollis won the season series 4-2, so is seeded higher.

Gone But Not Forgotten League

  • St. Louis Browns Division - Pitching and Akron tied for 2nd.  Pitching earns the higher seed with a 4-2 edge in the season series.

Grand Slam League

  • Ramirez Division - Winston Wants and Cincinnati tied for 3rd.  Winston Wants gets the higher seed behind a 5-1 season series win.

Grunge League

  • Hole Division - Mellon Collie and Knee Deep tied for 2nd.  Mellon Collie won the season series 4-2 and is seeded higher.

Home of the Brave

  • Maranville Division - Kiss My and Twin Cities tied for 2nd and split the season series 3-3.  Kiss My has the better division record (14-4 vs 11-7) to earn the higher seed.
  • Niekro Division - Phoenix and Martin's Ferry tied for 3rd.  Phoenix has the better seed with 5-1 win in their matchups.

K Street League

  • Perry Division - There's a 3-way tie for 2nd - so we need to check division records for the highest seed: D.C. 10-8, Cincinnati 8-10, The Garden State 6-12.  Cincinnati won the series with The Garden State 4-2, so the ranking is a) D.C.  b) Cincinnati  c) The Garden State

Longball League

  • McGuire Division - Tijuana and Nokomis tied for 2nd.  Tijuana gets the higher seed behind a 4-2 season series win.


  • Zeppo Division - White and Animal tied for 3rd.  White won the season series 5-1 to earn the higher seed.

Murderers' Row

  • Big Poison Division - Cold and Paducah tied for 3rd and split their season series 3-3.  We check division record - Cold 12-6, Paducah 7-11 - so Cold has the higher seed.

North Siders League

  • Jenkins Division - Amsterdam and The Blues Brothers tied for 3rd.  The Blues Brothers get the the higher seed based on a 4-2 win of their season series.
  • Sutter Division - Addison and Mackay tied for 2nd and they split their season series 3-3.  Addision has the higher seed with the better division record (10-8 vs 8-10).

Original Six League

  • Bruins Division - Marble and Salted tied for 2nd.  Marble won the season series 4-2 to get the higher seed.

Perfect World League

  • Kenny Rogers Division - Long Island and Bone tied for 2nd.  Long Island has the higher seed due to its 5-1 advantage head to head.

Silver Screen League

  • Bang the Drum Slowly Division - Marvel and Vegas tied for 3rd.  Marvel won the season series 4-2 to earn the higher seed.
  • Angels in the Outfield Division - Silver and Oscar's tied for 2nd.  Silver gets the higher seed on the basis of a 4-2 record in their matchups this year.

South Siders League

  • Faber Division - Cincinnati and Harry tied for 2nd.  They split their series 3-3.  Cincinnati (10-8) had a better division record than Harry (8-10) to earn the higher seed.

Steel City League

  • Wagner Division - Willie's and Baltimore tied for 2nd.  Willie's had a 4-2 edge in the season series to take the higher seed.

Superman League

  • George Reeves Division - Minnesota and Bizarro tied for 2nd and split 3-3 during the season. To determine the higher seed, Minnesota's 11-7 division record tops Bizarro's 8-10.

That's the Fact Jack League

  • The Life Aquatic Division - Groundhog Central and Pescespada Island tied for 3rd and split their matchups 3-3.  Groundhog Central takes the higher seed based on division record (9-9 vs 7-11).

They Might Be Giants

  • Marichal Division - Outer Banks and Hampton tied for 2nd.  Outer Banks won the season series 4-2 to be seeded higher.
  • Ott Division - Haight-Ashbury and NYC2ATL tied for 3rd.  HA comes out on top with a 4-2 season series win.

Three of a Kind League

  • Wagner Division - Havana and Florida tied for 2nd.  Havana won the season series 4-2 to get the higher seed.
  • Beckley Division - Wyalusing and Aces tied for 2nd.  Wyalusing gets the higher seed behind a 4-2 win of the season series.

Tobacco Road League

  • Blue Devils Division - Coach Kafka's Dukedom and Smoke tied for 2nd.  CKD won the season series 5-1 and is the higher seed.

Wes Anderson League

  • The Life Aquatic Division - California and Tinseltown tied for 3rd.   California gets the higher seed based on a 6-0 record in their season series.
  • Rushmore Division - Rock and Littlestown tied for 2nd.  Rock's 4-2 record in their games gets it the higher seed.

Whiff League

  • Sammy Sosa Division - Garrett Park and Texas tied for 2nd.  Garrett Park won the season series 4-2 to grab the higher seed.

Will Ferrell League

  • Blades of Glory League - CO Springs and Corona tied for 3rd and they split 3-3 head to head.  CO Springs has the higher seed based on division record (9-9 vs 6-12).


League Tournament Seeding Ties

Division ties above also apply when seeding for League Tournament and the Bottom Feeder Open.

A League About Nothing

  • Seed 2: NYC2ATL  Seed 3: Infinite; They split their 2 games this year; NYC2ATL has a better division record (12-6 vs 11-7)
  • Seed 6: Ain't Got   Seed 7: Jerry's  Seed 8: The Owls Are;  Ain't Got and Jerry's have 9-9 division records, while The Owls Are were 8-10.  Ain't Got beat Jerry's 3-2 in the season series
  • Seed 10: Upper West Side  Seed 11: Wayne;  They split season series 1-1; Upper West Side has better division record (11-7 vs 5-13)
  • Seed 13: Wild  Seed 14: WHO; Split their meetings 1-1; Wild has the better division record (9-9 vs 7-11)

American Association

  • Seed 7: Kingston  Seed 8: Brooklyn; They split the season series 1-1.  Kingston has the better division record (8-10 vs 7-11).

Anchorman League

  • Seed 7: Brick  Seed 8: House;  They split the season series 1-1 and have the same 8-10 division record.  Brick has the better conference record (19-19 vs 16-22).
  • Seed 10: Montreal (12-6 division record)  Seed 11: Aruba (6-12)  Seed 12: Atlanta (9-9); Although Atlanta has the better division record, when we get down to 2 teams, Aruba won the head-to-head series 3-2 over Atlanta.
  • Seed 13: Cincinnati  Seed 14: Grand Rapids;  They split 1-1 during the season - Cincinnati has the better division record (8-10 vs 6-12).

B Movie Actor League

  • Seed 1: Don't Let  Seed 2: South Bay.  Don't Let won the season series 2-0.
  • Seed 9: St. Vincent  Seed 10: Parkfield;  St. Vincent won the season series 2-0.
  • Seed 12: California (9-9 division record);  Seed 13: Lord Boulder  Seed 14: Cincinnati; Lord Boulder and Cincinnati split 1-1, so higher seed goes to Lord Boulder based on division record (7-11 vs 6-12).

Batman League

  • This turns out a bit differently in a 3-way tie than the division tie between Gotham City and Bruce Wayne - Seed 10: Bruce Wayne (10-8 division record)  Seed 11: Gotham City (9-9)  Seed 12: New York (5-13); Gotham City's 2-0 season series win over New York is the deciding factor for #11.


  • Seed 7: Dinkytown (13-5 division record)  Seed 8: Rome  Seed 9: Sunset; Both Rome and Sunset with 8-10 division record - see division tiebreaker above.

Beer League

  • Seed 9: Surly  Seed 10: Maiden's;  The season series was tied 1-1, but Surly's 11-7 division record was better than Maiden's 9-9.
  • Seed 11: Missing  Seed 12: Kona Big Wave; They split the season series 1-1 and Missing had a better division record (8-10 vs 5-13)
  • Seed 13: Cincinnati  Seed 14: Duff; Cincinnati won the season series 3-2

Big Red Machine League

  • Seed 11: Nasty Boys  Seed 12: Cincinnati; The split the season series 1-1.  Nasty Boys has the better division record (9-9 vs 7-11).
  • Seed 13: Sixteen Mile Stand  Seed 14: Junk Yard; The teams split 1-1 this year; Sixteen Mile Stand has the better division record (8-10 vs 6-12).


  • Seed 7: Attack of the Killer (11-7 division record and beat Edgar's 2-0)  Seed 8: Annapolis (10-8) Seed 9: Edgar's (11-7);  After determining the top seed, BWB determined to use the division tie breaker at the top of this page that put Annapolis ahead of Edgar's.
  • Seed 11: Troop C  Seed 12: Them;  Troop C won the season series 2-0.

Blame Canada League

  • Seed 6: House  Seed 7: California;  The teams split 1-1 this season.  House has the better division record (12-6 vs 11-7).
  • Seed 8: The Real  Seed 9: Quebec; They split their season series 1-1.  The Real has the better division record (9-9 vs 8-10).
  • Seed 13: Frigid Pink (8-10 division record vs 7-11 and 6-12)  Seed 14: Canadian  Seed 15: Ft. Lauderdale (see division ties above for how that was decided).

Bleed Dodger Blue League

  • Seed 12: Threw Me (9-9 division record)  Seed 13: Vinnie Bleeds (3-15)  Seed 14: New New York (5-13);  Vinnie Bleeds won the season series against New New York 2-0 to get spot #13.

Blue and Gray League

  • Seed 1: Lexington  Seed 2: Cache River;  Lexington won the season series 3-2.
  • Seed 15: Corwin's Silver and  Seed 16: Cincinnati;  Corwin's Silver and won the season series 2-0.

Born to Run League

  • Seed 2: Roundin' Third  Seed 3: Gasoline;  Roundin' Third took the season series 3-2
  • Seed 6: Central City  Seed 7: Escape from New Jersey;  They tied 1-1 in their season series.  Central City has a better division record (7-11 vs 6-12)
  • Seed 11: Saratoga  Seed 12: Sonoma;  The teams split 1-1 during the season, then Saratoga has the better division record (10-8 vs 8-10).

Broadway League

  • Seed 9: Broadway  Seed 10: Joey  Seed 11: It's Outta  Seed 12: Perth;  Joey and Broadway are tied with best division records (11-7) and Broadway beat Joey 4-1 in their season series.  It's Outta and Perth split their season series 1-1.  It's Outta has the better division record (7-11 vs 5-13)

Bronx Bombers League

  • Seed 7: Go  Seed 8: Harlem;  Go won the season series 4-1

Chevy Chase League

  • Seed 9: East Village  Seed 10: Rummerfield;  They split 1-1 and have identical 9-9 division records.  East Village has the better conference record (20-18 vs 18-20).
  • Seed 11: Cannonball  Seed 12: Best.;  Cannonball won the season series 2-0.

Cleveland Rocks

  • Seed 5: Wysox  Seed 6: Buckeyeland;  The teams split 1-1 during the season and have the same 11-7 division records.  Wysox has the better conference record (22-16 vs 20-18)
  • Seed 7: Cleveland  Seed 8: California;  The teams were 1-1 against each other, then Cleveland has the better division record (12-6 vs 10-8).
  • Seed 12: Not So Hot (9-9 division record vs the other 2 having 7-11)  Seed 13: Shaky Heights  Seed 14: Kentucky;  Shaky Heights won the season series against Kentucky 3-2.
  • Seed 15: Cincinnati  Seed 16: Paradise Ohio; The teams split 1-1.  Cincinnati has the better division record (8-10 vs 6-12).

Commissioners League

  • Seed 8: 1950's  Seed 9: Seven Cities;  1950's won the season series 3-2.

Deuces Wild League

  • Seed 1: Double  Seed 2: Deuces;  They split their season series 1-1; Double has the better division record (14-4 vs 11-7).
  • Seed 8: Yellowstone  Seed 9: Cincinnati;  They split 1-1 and Yellowstone has the better division record (11-7 vs 6-12).
  • Seed 10: Lexington (10-8 division record)  Seed 11: Pinetar (9-9)  Seed 12: Washington (6-12); Pinetar's 2-0 season edge over Washington was the deciding factor for the 11th spot.

Experts League

  • Seed 15: Antarctica  Seed 16: Men Injecting Men -;  Antarctica won the season series 3-2.

Federal League

  • Seed 3: Provence  Seed 4: Ohio;  They each won 1 game against the other.  Provence has the better division record (13-5 vs 8-10)
  • Seed 11: Cincinnati  Seed 12: Sheshequin;  Cincinnati won the season series 4-1.
  • Seed 13: California (11-7 division record)  Seed 14: Boardwalk (7-11)  Seed 15: Send (5-13);  Boardwalk and Send split their season series 1-1.

Fenway Fenatics

  • Seed 2: Plymouth  Seed 3: Cincinnati.  They split 1-1 in the season series.  Plymouth's 13-5 division record topped Cincinnati's 8-10
  • Seed 8: Big Tall  Seed 9: Hawaiian; They split 1-1 and Big Tall has the better division record (10-8 vs 8-10)
  • Seed 10: Scarlet  Seed 11: MacPhail's; They split 1-1.  Scarlet has the better division record (8-10 vs 6-12)

Firemen League

  • Seed 1: Lefty  Seed 2: Mammoth; Lefty won the season series 2-0.
  • Seed 7: Friendly (11-7 division record)  Seed 8: Toonville (5-13, but 2-0 vs Chicago)  Seed 9: Chicago (7-11)
  • Seed 11: House of  Seed 12: Flagstaff;  They split their matchups 1-1; House of has a better division record (11-7 vs 8-10)
  • Seed 14: Blazing  Seed 15: Bloodhound;  They split 1-1 - Blazing has better division record (9-9 vs 5-13).

Five Boroughs League

  • Seed 10: The Thing (9-9 division record)  Seed 11: Bathtub (8-10)  Seed 12: Yogi (7-11); Bathtub's 4-1 season series win was the deciding factor over Yogi.
  • Seed 13: Total  Seed 14: California; They split 1-1 this season and Total has the better division record (12-6 vs 10-8).
  • Seed 15: Brooklyn  Seed 16: Shaolin;  Brooklyn won the season series 2-0.

Four Star League

  • Seed 2: Georgetown  Seed 3: Miami County; They split their meetings 1-1.  Georgetown's 14-4 division record gives it the higher seed over Miami County (12-6).
  • Seed 5: Philadelphia (11-7 division record)  Seed 6: Main Street  Seed 7: Exsangui;  Main Street and Exsangui split their games 1-1.  Main Street has a better division record (10-8 vs 9-9)
  • Seed 10: Mt. Eaton  Seed 11: NYC2ATL; Mt. Eaton won the season series 2-0.
  • Seed 14: North Pole  Seed 15: Men Injecting Men 2; They split 1-1 and North Pole has the better division record (8-10 vs 7-11).

Geek Pride League

  • Seed 7: Strange  Seed 8:  Loco;  They split the season series 1-1 and have the same 9-9 division record.  Strange has the better conference record (23-15 vs 21-17)
  • Seed 9: Phantastic  Seed 10: Pascal;  Phantastic swept the season series 5-0.
  • Seed 13: Orphanville  Seed 14: Notre Dame;  Orphanville won the season series 3-2.

Golden Throat League

  • Seed 2: Atlanta  Seed 3: Azilum;  Atlanta won the season series 2-0.
  • Seed 10: Hammy's  Seed 11: Buried;  Hammy's swept the season series 5-0.

Gone But Not Forgotten League

  • Seed 9: Pitching (13-5)  Seed 10: Center City (8-10)  Seed 11: Akron (11-7);  Center City's 5-0 season sweep of Akron was the deciding factor for spot #10.

Grand Slam League

  • Seed 1: Stillwater  Seed 2: Grannies Salami; Stillwater won the season series 2-0.
  • Seed 5: Fritz's  Seed 6: Denny's;  They split their games 1-1 and Fritz's has the better division record (11-7 vs 10-8).
  • Seed 8: Moon's  Seed 9: Dushore;  They split 1-1 and Moon's has the better division record (9-9 vs 7-11).
  • Seed 15: Cellar  Seed 16: Broken;  They split 1-1 and have identical 5-13 division records.  Cellar has the better conference record (16-22 vs 14-24).

Grunge League

  • Seed 10: Honking  Seed 11: Seattle;  Honking won the season series 2-0.
  • Seed 14: California  Seed 15: Hey Man;  California won the season series 2-0.

Hall of Fame League

  • Seed 10: Boar's Nest (9-9 division record)  Seed 11: Springfield  Seed 12:  Vice City; Vice City and Springfield has same 7-11 division record, split their series 1-1, and Springfield has better conference record (18-20 vs 16-22);   Seed 13: High Octane (6-12 division record)

Home of the Brave

  • Seed 7: Hazzard County  Seed 8: Savannah; Hazzard County won the season series 2-0.
  • It's a 5-way tie for spots 9-13.  Seed 9: Kiss My (14-4 division record)  Seed 10: Twin Cities (11-7)  Seed 11: Phoenix (10-8)  Seed 12: Wooden (8-10, 4-1 season series win over Martin's Ferry)  Seed 13: Martin's Ferry (8-10)

K Street League

  • It's a 5-way tie for seeds 6-10.  Seed 6: D.C. (10-8 division record)   Seed 7: Italian (9-9, 3-2 season series win over K Street  Seed 8: K Street (9-9)  Seed 9: Cincinnati (8-10)  Seed 10: The Garden State (6-12);  Cincinnati's 4-2 season series win over The Garden State was the deciding factor for spot #9.
  • Seed 12: Alvin  Seed 13: Aksarben; Alvin won the season series 2-0.

Longball League

  • Seed 10: Danny's  Seed 11: Gettysburg;  Danny's won the season series 2-0.
  • Seed 15: Lagrange  Seed 16: Heartland;  Lagrange with the better division record (10-8 vs 8-10)


  • Seed 2: Adolph's  Seed 3: Kingston;  Adolph's won their season series 2-0.
  • Seed 8: Duck  Seed 9: Phenway;  Duck won the season series 2-0.

Minnie & Paul League

  • Seed 8: Cincinnati  Seed 9: Big; Cincinnati won the season series 2-0.
  • Seed 10: Grosse Pointe  Seed 11: Lake Harriet; Grosse Pointe won the season series 3-2.
  • Seed 12: Tondara  Seed 13: Kingston;  Tondara won the season series 2-0.

Moneyball League

  • Seed 7: Cal  Seed 8: Gonna Make;  They split this season 1-1 and Cal has the better division record (12-6 vs 7-11).
  • Seed 10: Already  Seed 11: The not so Grateful;  Already won the season series 3-2.
  • Seed 15: Fulbright  Seed 16: Money for Nuttin;  Fulbright won the season series 4-1.

Motor City League

  • Seed 11: Alcubierre-Obousy  Seed 12: Gratiot;  The teams split 1-1 this season and have the same 9-9 division record.  A-O has a better conference record (19-19 vs 18-20)
  • Seed 14: Cincinnati  Seed 15: Making;  Cincinnati won the season series 2-0.

Murderers' Row

  • Seed 8: West Coast  Seed 9: Wittenberg; West Coast won the season series 2-0.
  • Seed 10: Cold (12-6 division record)  Seed 11: Paducah (7-11)  Seed 12: Chicago (6-12).  Paducah's 2-0 season series win over Chicago was the deciding factor for the 11th spot.

North Siders League

  • Seed 11: Addison (10-8 division record vs 8-10 for the other two)  Seed 12: Carolina  Seed 13: Mackay;  Carolina and Mackay split 1-1, and Carolina has the better conference record (18-20 vs 15-23)

Original Six League

  • Seed 3: Lamoureux  Seed 4: Yzermen Than Me;  Lamoureux won the season series 3-2.
  • Seed 8: Marble (10-8 division record)  Seed 9: Salted (4-14)  Seed 10: Montreal (9-9).  Salted took the #9 spot because it won the season series with Montreal 4-1.
  • Seed 13: Arcadia  Seed 14: California;  Arcadia won the season series 3-2.

Pacific Northwest League

  • Seed 2: Snoqualmie  Seed 3: North By Northwest;  Snoqualmie won the season series 3-2.
  • Seed 5: Griffey, Edgar, and  Seed 6: Wolf; The teams split 1-1 this season, so it is decided by the better division record, which belongs to Griffey, Edgar, and (13-5 vs 11-7).
  • Seed 12: New Salem  Seed 13: Portland;  New Salem won the season series 2-0.
  • Seed 15: Cincinnati  Seed 16: Pike's; Cincinnati won the season series 3-2.

Perfect World League

  • Seed 1: Malta  Seed 2: Red; They split their 2 games and Malta's 11-7 division record is better than 9-9 for Red.
  • Seed 9: Oklahoma  Seed 10: Cincinnati; Oklahoma won the season series 2-0.
  • Seed 14: Midwest  Seed 15: Suffolk;  Midwest won the season series 2-0.

Phightin' Phils League

  • Seed 7: Chip  Seed 8: SGV; They split 1-1 in their head-to-head games. Chip has the better division record (9-9 vs 8-10).
  • Seed 11: Kalas City  Seed 12: Black;  Kalas City won the season series 2-0.

Reality Bites

  • Seed 2: Real  Seed 3: Pawn Stars; They each won 1 game in their season matchups; Real has a better division record (14-4 vs 9-9)
  • Seed 6: Kingston  Seed 7: Carmel;  Kingston won the season series 3-2.
  • Seed 8: Rio de Janeiro 2016 (10-8 division record)  Seed 9: Interlaken (9-9)  Seed 10: New York (6-12); It was Interlaken's 2-0 win of the season series that was the deciding factor for #9.
  • Seed 11: Cincinnati  Seed 12: Parkville;  Cincinnati won the season series 3-2.

Redbirds League

  • Seed 6: Texoma  Seed 7: Brooklyn;  Texoma won the season series 3-2.
  • Seed 8: Pelee Island (11-7 division record)  Seed 9: Hello Wisconsin (8-10)  Seed 10: Baltimore (8-10)  Seed 11: Middle Age (6-12);  Hello Wisconsin won the season series with Baltimore 3-2.
  • Seed 14: Manalapan (8-10 division record)  Seed 15: Brazil 2014 (7-11)  Seed 16: Cincinnati (6-12); Brazil 2014 and Cincinnati split their games 1-1.

Royal Flush League

  • Seed 6: Medina County  Seed 7: Bad;  They split 1-1 this season and have the same 7-11 division record.  Medina gets it with a better conference record (22-16 vs 18-20)
  • Seed 8: Runner Runner  Seed 9: Miami; Runner Runner won the season series 3-2.
  • Seed 10: We Want to play  Seed 11: West Bottoms; They split 1-1 and have the same 10-8 division record;  We Want to play has a better conference record (20-18 vs 18-20)

Scooby Doo League

  • Seed 3: Cuban  Seed 4: Where;  They split their season series and have an identical 11-7 division record.  It's decided for Cuban by conference record (25-13 vs 23-15)
  • Seed 7: Galactic  Seed 8: Justin's;  Galactic won the season series 2-0.

Shadowball League

  • Seed 10: Motley  Seed 11: Inevitability; Split their season series 1-1; Motley has the better division record (8-10 vs 7-11)
  • Seed 15: Late  Seed 16: Ghost;  Late won the season series 3-2.

Silver Screen League

  • Seed 2: Jobu's  Seed 3: Rick's Cafe; Jobu's won the season series 3-2.
  • Seed 10: Chico's  Seed 11: Stalag 13;  Chico's won the season series 3-2.
  • Seed 12: Cincinnati  Seed 13: Sonic;  Cincinnati won the season series 3-2.

South Siders League

  • Seed 7: The Thing  Seed 8: Machynlleth;  The Thing won the season series 3-2.
  • Seed 9: Don't Stop  Seed 10: Christmas; They split 1-1, and Don't Stop has the better division record (9-9 vs 8-10)
  • Seed 11: Cincinnati (10-8 division record)  Seed 12: Delphi  Seed 13: Harry  Seed 14: Living Down Wind;  Delphi and Harry both have 8-10 division records, and Delphi won the season series with Harry 3-2; Living Down Wind has a 5-13 division record.

Steel City League

  • Seed 7: Hershey  Seed 8: Three Mile Island;  They split the season series 1-1.  Hershey has a better division record (10-8 vs 7-11).
  • Seed 12: Remmington  Seed 13: Roberto's;  Remmington won the season series 2-0.

Superman League

  • Seed 2: Fusilli  Seed 3: Krypton;  Fusilli won the season series 2-0.
  • Seed 7: Minnesota (11-7 division record)  The other two teams split their season sereis 1-1, so we used division records: Seed 8: Mr. Mxyzpltk (9-9)  Seed 9: Bizarro (8-10)
  • Seed 15: Davenport  Seed 16: Hollywood;  They split the season 1-1 and Davenport has the better division record (6-12 vs 5-13).

That's the Fact Jack League

  • Seed 3: He-Man!!!  Seed 4: Zissou; They split their season series 1-1 and He-Man!!! has the better division record (12-6 vs 10-8)
  • Seed 12: The Thing  Seed 13: Kingston;  The Thing won the season series 2-0.

The Kings of Queens

  • Seed 6: Greek  Seed 7: Waynedale;  The teams split 1-1 this season and have identical 11-7 division records.  Greek has the better conference record (20-18 vs 18-20)
  • Seed 13: Ralston  Seed 14: Merryall; Ralston won the season series 4-1.

They Might Be Giants

  • Seed 2: Silicon Valley  Seed 3: So Tired; Silicon Valley won the season series 2-0.
  • Seed 11: Haight-Ashbury (10-8 division record as the other teams were 7-11)  Seed 12: Cincinnati  Seed 13: NYC2ATL;  Cincinnati and NYC2ATL split their meetings 1-1.  Cincinnati's conference record is better (17-21 vs16-22).
  • Seed 14: Willie's  Seed 15: Put Your Hand In.  They split their season series and Willie's has the better division record (8-10 vs 5-13).

ThirtyThirtySomething League

Three of a Kind League

  • Seed 5: Wyalusing  Seed 6: Aces  Seed 7: Mt. Eaton;  Wyalusing and Aces both had 11-7 division records compared to Mt. Eaton's 9-9.  The division tiebreaker above puts Wyalusing over Aces.
  • Seed 11: Southside  Seed 12: Motor City; Southside won the season series 2-0.

Tobacco Road League

  • Seed 5:  California  Seed 6: Durham;  The teams split 1-1 this season.  California has a 12-6 division record compared to Durham's 9-9.
  • Seed 8: Redneckric's  Seed 9: Cape Fear;  They split 1-1 in the season series.  Redneckric's division record was better (12-6 vs 7-11)
  • Seed 10: Coach Kafka's Dukedom (8-10 division record)  Seed 11: Smoke  Seed 12: Louisville;  Smoke's division record (4-14) was worse than Louisville (7-11), but the deciding factor when down to 2 teams is head-to-head records and Smoke won the season series 4-1.
  • Seed 13: Charlotte  Seed 14: Myrtle Beach;  They split 1-1 this year and Charlotte's divsion record is better (11-7 vs 5-13)

Triple Crown League

  • Seed 8: Hornsby (11-7 division record)  Seed 9: Miguel Cabrera's (10-8)  Seed 10: Jumpin Jack (6-12)  9th seed determined by Miguel Cabrera's 4-1 season series win over Jumpin Jack.

Wes Anderson League

  • Seed 11: California (11-7 division record)  Seed 12: Too Much (8-10)   Seed 13: Tinseltown (6-12)  Seed 14: Lost Creek (7-11); Down to the final 2 teams, Tinseltown grabs a higher seed with a 2-0 season series win over Lost Creek.

White Elephant League

  • Seed 6: NYC2ATL  Seed 7: Mustache;  They split 1-1 during the season;  NYC2ATL has the better division record (12-6 vs 7-11).
  • Seed 9: Bungalo Bill's  Seed 10: Kentucky;  Bungalo won the season series 2-0.
  • Seed 12: Swollen  Seed 13: KC;  Swollen won the season series 2-0.

Whiff League

  • Seed 6: Busted  Seed 7: The Usual;  Busted won the season series 2-0.
  • Seed 10: Flint (8-10 division record); Seed 11: Garrett Park  Seed 12: Texas - see division ties resolution above to decide 11-12.

Will Ferrell League

  • Seed 3: Boone Central  Seed 4: Whistling;   Boone Central took the season series 2-0.
  • Seed 6: Buddy the Elf  Seed 7: Yet To Be Named;  Buddy the Elf won the season series 3-2.
  • Seed 10: CO Springs (9-9 division record)  Seed 11: Corona  Seed 12: Kingston;  Corona and Kingston split 1-1 this season, so Corona's better division record decides the spot (6-12 vs 4-14).

Winners Circle League

  • Seed 10: Meshoppen  Seed 11: Los Angeles;  Meshoppen won the season series 3-2
  • Seed 12: Beratnas Gas  Seed 13: SpringBuc;  Beratnas Gas won the season series 2-0
  • Seed 14: Uruguay (7-11 division record);  Seed 15: Christy (6-12)  Seed 16: Omaha (5-13);  Christy and Omaha split 1-1 in their season series.


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