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2024 Schedule - Motor City League

This Week's Games

Full Season Schedule by Team

Current Standings


All matchups below are 3-game series


Week 1

Sweet Lou's at TrumbullGratiot at WalkingMt Pleasant at CanadianBee Em at OklahomaLittle Rock at Alcubierre-ObousyTroy at MaplewoodAtlanta at DrunkenCecil Fielder's at Classic
Sweet Lou's at GratiotTrumbull at WalkingMt Pleasant at Bee EmCanadian at OklahomaLittle Rock at TroyAlcubierre-Obousy at MaplewoodAtlanta at Cecil Fielder'sDrunken at Classic

Week 2

Sweet Lou's at WalkingTrumbull at GratiotMt Pleasant at OklahomaCanadian at Bee EmLittle Rock at MaplewoodAlcubierre-Obousy at TroyAtlanta at ClassicDrunken at Cecil Fielder's
Trumbull at Sweet Lou'sWalking at GratiotCanadian at Mt PleasantOklahoma at Bee EmAlcubierre-Obousy at Little RockMaplewood at TroyDrunken at AtlantaClassic at Cecil Fielder's

Week 3

Gratiot at Sweet Lou'sWalking at TrumbullBee Em at Mt PleasantOklahoma at CanadianTroy at Little RockMaplewood at Alcubierre-ObousyCecil Fielder's at AtlantaClassic at Drunken
Walking at Sweet Lou'sGratiot at TrumbullOklahoma at Mt PleasantBee Em at CanadianMaplewood at Little RockTroy at Alcubierre-ObousyClassic at AtlantaCecil Fielder's at Drunken

Week 4

Mt Pleasant at Sweet Lou'sTrumbull at CanadianGratiot at Bee EmWalking at OklahomaAtlanta at Little RockAlcubierre-Obousy at DrunkenTroy at Cecil Fielder'sMaplewood at Classic
Sweet Lou's at Little RockTrumbull at Alcubierre-ObousyGratiot at TroyWalking at MaplewoodMt Pleasant at AtlantaCanadian at DrunkenBee Em at Cecil Fielder'sOklahoma at Classic

Week 5

Sweet Lou's at CanadianTrumbull at OklahomaMt Pleasant at GratiotBee Em at WalkingLittle Rock at DrunkenAlcubierre-Obousy at ClassicAtlanta at TroyCecil Fielder's at Maplewood
Alcubierre-Obousy at Sweet Lou'sTroy at TrumbullMaplewood at GratiotAtlanta at WalkingDrunken at Mt PleasantCecil Fielder's at CanadianClassic at Bee EmLittle Rock at Oklahoma

Week 6

Bee Em at Sweet Lou'sCanadian at TrumbullOklahoma at GratiotMt Pleasant at WalkingCecil Fielder's at Little RockDrunken at Alcubierre-ObousyClassic at TroyAtlanta at Maplewood
Troy at Sweet Lou'sMaplewood at TrumbullAtlanta at GratiotDrunken at WalkingCecil Fielder's at Mt PleasantClassic at CanadianLittle Rock at Bee EmAlcubierre-Obousy at Oklahoma

Week 7

Oklahoma at Sweet Lou'sTrumbull at Bee EmGratiot at CanadianWalking at Mt PleasantClassic at Little RockAlcubierre-Obousy at Cecil Fielder'sTroy at DrunkenMaplewood at Atlanta
Sweet Lou's at MaplewoodTrumbull at AtlantaGratiot at DrunkenWalking at Cecil Fielder'sMt Pleasant at ClassicCanadian at Little RockBee Em at Alcubierre-ObousyOklahoma at Troy

Week 8

Sweet Lou's at Mt PleasantBee Em at TrumbullGratiot at OklahomaWalking at CanadianLittle Rock at AtlantaCecil Fielder's at Alcubierre-ObousyTroy at ClassicDrunken at Maplewood
Atlanta at Sweet Lou'sDrunken at TrumbullCecil Fielder's at GratiotClassic at WalkingLittle Rock at Mt PleasantAlcubierre-Obousy at CanadianTroy at Bee EmMaplewood at Oklahoma

Week 9

Canadian at Sweet Lou'sMt Pleasant at TrumbullBee Em at GratiotOklahoma at WalkingDrunken at Little RockAtlanta at Alcubierre-ObousyCecil Fielder's at TroyClassic at Maplewood
Drunken at Sweet Lou'sCecil Fielder's at TrumbullClassic at GratiotLittle Rock at WalkingAlcubierre-Obousy at Mt PleasantTroy at CanadianMaplewood at Bee EmAtlanta at Oklahoma

Week 10

Sweet Lou's at Bee EmOklahoma at TrumbullGratiot at Mt PleasantCanadian at WalkingLittle Rock at Cecil Fielder'sClassic at Alcubierre-ObousyTroy at AtlantaMaplewood at Drunken
Sweet Lou's at Cecil Fielder'sTrumbull at ClassicGratiot at Little RockWalking at Alcubierre-ObousyMt Pleasant at TroyCanadian at MaplewoodBee Em at AtlantaOklahoma at Drunken

Week 11

Sweet Lou's at OklahomaTrumbull at Mt PleasantCanadian at GratiotWalking at Bee EmLittle Rock at ClassicAlcubierre-Obousy at AtlantaDrunken at TroyMaplewood at Cecil Fielder's
Sweet Lou's at ClassicTrumbull at Little RockGratiot at Alcubierre-ObousyWalking at TroyMt Pleasant at MaplewoodCanadian at AtlantaBee Em at DrunkenOklahoma at Cecil Fielder's

Week 12

Trumbull at Sweet Lou'sWalking at GratiotCanadian at Mt PleasantOklahoma at Bee EmAlcubierre-Obousy at Little RockMaplewood at TroyDrunken at AtlantaClassic at Cecil Fielder's
Gratiot at Sweet Lou'sWalking at TrumbullBee Em at Mt PleasantOklahoma at CanadianTroy at Little RockMaplewood at Alcubierre-ObousyAtlanta at Cecil Fielder'sClassic at Drunken

Week 13

Walking at Sweet Lou'sGratiot at TrumbullOklahoma at Mt PleasantBee Em at CanadianMaplewood at Little RockTroy at Alcubierre-ObousyAtlanta at ClassicCecil Fielder's at Drunken
Sweet Lou's at TrumbullGratiot at WalkingMt Pleasant at CanadianBee Em at OklahomaLittle Rock at Alcubierre-ObousyTroy at MaplewoodAtlanta at DrunkenCecil Fielder's at Classic

Week 14

Sweet Lou's at GratiotTrumbull at WalkingMt Pleasant at Bee EmCanadian at OklahomaLittle Rock at TroyAlcubierre-Obousy at MaplewoodCecil Fielder's at AtlantaDrunken at Classic
Sweet Lou's at WalkingTrumbull at GratiotMt Pleasant at OklahomaCanadian at Bee EmLittle Rock at MaplewoodAlcubierre-Obousy at TroyClassic at AtlantaDrunken at Cecil Fielder's

Week 15

Classic at Sweet Lou'sLittle Rock at TrumbullAlcubierre-Obousy at GratiotTroy at WalkingMaplewood at Mt PleasantAtlanta at CanadianDrunken at Bee EmCecil Fielder's at Oklahoma
Oklahoma at Sweet Lou'sMt Pleasant at TrumbullGratiot at CanadianWalking at Bee EmClassic at Little RockAtlanta at Alcubierre-ObousyTroy at DrunkenMaplewood at Cecil Fielder's

Week 16

Cecil Fielder's at Sweet Lou'sClassic at TrumbullLittle Rock at GratiotAlcubierre-Obousy at WalkingTroy at Mt PleasantMaplewood at CanadianAtlanta at Bee EmDrunken at Oklahoma
Bee Em at Sweet Lou'sTrumbull at OklahomaMt Pleasant at GratiotWalking at CanadianCecil Fielder's at Little RockAlcubierre-Obousy at ClassicAtlanta at TroyMaplewood at Drunken

Week 17

Sweet Lou's at DrunkenTrumbull at Cecil Fielder'sGratiot at ClassicWalking at Little RockMt Pleasant at Alcubierre-ObousyCanadian at TroyBee Em at MaplewoodOklahoma at Atlanta
Sweet Lou's at CanadianTrumbull at Mt PleasantGratiot at Bee EmWalking at OklahomaLittle Rock at DrunkenAlcubierre-Obousy at AtlantaTroy at Cecil Fielder'sMaplewood at Classic

Week 18

Sweet Lou's at AtlantaTrumbull at DrunkenGratiot at Cecil Fielder'sWalking at ClassicMt Pleasant at Little RockCanadian at Alcubierre-ObousyBee Em at TroyOklahoma at Maplewood
Mt Pleasant at Sweet Lou'sTrumbull at Bee EmOklahoma at GratiotCanadian at WalkingAtlanta at Little RockAlcubierre-Obousy at Cecil Fielder'sClassic at TroyDrunken at Maplewood

Week 19

Maplewood at Sweet Lou'sAtlanta at TrumbullDrunken at GratiotCecil Fielder's at WalkingClassic at Mt PleasantLittle Rock at CanadianAlcubierre-Obousy at Bee EmTroy at Oklahoma
Sweet Lou's at OklahomaBee Em at TrumbullCanadian at GratiotMt Pleasant at WalkingLittle Rock at ClassicCecil Fielder's at Alcubierre-ObousyDrunken at TroyAtlanta at Maplewood

Week 20

Sweet Lou's at TroyTrumbull at MaplewoodGratiot at AtlantaWalking at DrunkenMt Pleasant at Cecil Fielder'sCanadian at ClassicBee Em at Little RockOklahoma at Alcubierre-Obousy
Sweet Lou's at Bee EmTrumbull at CanadianGratiot at OklahomaWalking at Mt PleasantLittle Rock at Cecil Fielder'sAlcubierre-Obousy at DrunkenTroy at ClassicMaplewood at Atlanta

Week 21

Sweet Lou's at Alcubierre-ObousyTrumbull at TroyGratiot at MaplewoodWalking at AtlantaMt Pleasant at DrunkenCanadian at Cecil Fielder'sBee Em at ClassicOklahoma at Little Rock
Canadian at Sweet Lou'sOklahoma at TrumbullGratiot at Mt PleasantBee Em at WalkingDrunken at Little RockClassic at Alcubierre-ObousyTroy at AtlantaCecil Fielder's at Maplewood

Week 22

Little Rock at Sweet Lou'sAlcubierre-Obousy at TrumbullTroy at GratiotMaplewood at WalkingAtlanta at Mt PleasantDrunken at CanadianCecil Fielder's at Bee EmClassic at Oklahoma
Sweet Lou's at Mt PleasantCanadian at TrumbullBee Em at GratiotOklahoma at WalkingLittle Rock at AtlantaDrunken at Alcubierre-ObousyCecil Fielder's at TroyClassic at Maplewood

Week 23

Sweet Lou's at TrumbullGratiot at WalkingMt Pleasant at CanadianBee Em at OklahomaLittle Rock at Alcubierre-ObousyTroy at MaplewoodAtlanta at DrunkenCecil Fielder's at Classic
Sweet Lou's at GratiotTrumbull at WalkingMt Pleasant at Bee EmCanadian at OklahomaLittle Rock at TroyAlcubierre-Obousy at MaplewoodAtlanta at Cecil Fielder'sDrunken at Classic

Week 24

Sweet Lou's at WalkingTrumbull at GratiotMt Pleasant at OklahomaCanadian at Bee EmLittle Rock at MaplewoodAlcubierre-Obousy at TroyAtlanta at ClassicDrunken at Cecil Fielder's
Trumbull at Sweet Lou'sWalking at GratiotCanadian at Mt PleasantOklahoma at Bee EmAlcubierre-Obousy at Little RockMaplewood at TroyDrunken at AtlantaClassic at Cecil Fielder's

Week 25

Gratiot at Sweet Lou'sWalking at TrumbullBee Em at Mt PleasantOklahoma at CanadianTroy at Little RockMaplewood at Alcubierre-ObousyCecil Fielder's at AtlantaClassic at Drunken
Walking at Sweet Lou'sGratiot at TrumbullOklahoma at Mt PleasantBee Em at CanadianMaplewood at Little RockTroy at Alcubierre-ObousyClassic at AtlantaCecil Fielder's at Drunken
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