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Team vs Team Records - Hall of Fame League - 2024

If there is a 0 in a box, the teams have played, but that particular team has not won a game between them yet.  If there is nothing, the teams have not yet played.


A reminder on the schedule breakdown:

  • Play 18 games against each of the other three teams in your division. (54 games)
  • 12 games against each of the four teams in the other division of your conference. (48 games)
  • 6 games against each of the eight teams in the opposing conference. (48 games)

            =150 games total

Read Across for Wins, Read Down for Losses

OS LV WAC Anc SD Pst Spr Cal Sea Nord Can VC GM Alc HO Oax W L Pct.
OS -- 1 2 3

6 9 .400
LV 5 -- 3 1

9 6 .600
WAC 1 3 -- 0

4 11 .267
Anc 3 2 6 --

11 4 .733

-- 3 2 1

6 9 .400

3 -- 3 1

7 8 .467

1 3 -- 4

8 7 .533

5 2 2 --

9 6 .600

-- 5 2 2

9 6 .600

1 -- 3 2

6 9 .400

1 3 -- 4

8 7 .533

4 1 2 --

7 8 .467

-- 1 3 1 5 10 .333

5 -- 4 1 10 5 .667

0 2 -- 3 5 10 .333

5 2 3 -- 10 5 .667
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