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Team Finances

The salary cap for 2024 is 40575 (2023 was 40735).


The actual annual cap distribution per league is based on what it takes to get the team with the smallest balance in the league up to the cap level.


New leagues in 2024 will start with 41 million plus an extra 15 million for a total of 56 million (56000)


Injured Reserve Fees and Refunds

In 2015, a rule was instituted to prevent exploitation of the IR roster spot. Use this information to keep you up to date for when you're eligible to get a refund of any IR fees.

NameMLB TeamSalaryWeek Placed on IRFirst week able to cut and still get refundFeeWeek actually cutRefundDate refund awarded
Ryan NodaLAA370920-250 2508/8/2024

This list displays what is included in the most recent financial updates:
Date of Update Transactions Results, Standings, and Awards
9/6/24 Week 24 Week 21
9/13/24 Week 25 Week 22
10/1/24 --- Week 23
10/28/24 Week 26 Week 24
11/2/24 --- Week 25


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League Finance Data for 11/2/2024

TeamPrevious BalanceRevenue - Week's RecordRevenue - Division PositionPlayer AwardsMiscellaneousNew BalanceComments
Canton$8,870,000225,00025,00025,000250,000$9,395,000 - IR Fee Rebate
Give Me$3,671,000225,00025,00000$3,921,000 
High Octane$1,578,000225,000100,00000$1,903,000 
Las Vegas$3,006,000375,000000$3,381,000 
Ozzie Smith's$2,590,000225,00075,00000$2,890,000 
San Diego$2,260,000150,000100,00000$2,510,000 
Vice City$4,274,000375,00075,00000$4,724,000 
We're all the Rage$2,626,00075,000100,00000$2,801,000 
Note: While player salaries and team cash balances are shown in thousands on all other pages, all the numbers above are shown as actual values.
In 2024 - the fees for moves to IR and moves to the Prospects Roster continue to be shown in the "Miscellaneous" column.  The 250 fee for "Sign to IR" and 500 fee for "Sign to Prospects" will be included in the salary totals.
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