Benchwarmer News Archive - 2005
Some of the news from 2005
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- 2006 Salaries, Positions, and Salary Cap
Figures updated.
- 2006 Salary Cap = 44875 (44.875 Million) -
New Teams in 2006 will start with 45 Million.
- Each team got the same distribution - enough to
get the team with the lowest balance up to the cap figure (so each
league is different).
- Any player with an "x" listed for their
secondary position - these minor league players still must be
verified for position - their primary position may change in
- Player of the Year awards are not yet done, so
some teams will get a small amount of additional cash in a couple
- LEAGUE CHAMPIONS - Your team is free in
2006 - you also may play a brand new team or Orphan Team for free
in 2006.
may play a brand new team or an Orphan Team for free in 2006
- Minor League Results posted
- The Benchwarmer Bash - It's our
off-season tournament between all the league champions to crown an
overall champion. All five league champions will participate
along with three wild card teams to create a bracket of eight.
- Teams are seeded based on Power Index Rating,
with wild cards at the bottom of the list.
- Lineups (one submission for the whole
tournament) are due Sunday night, November 6. MLB Games will
be randomly picked from throughout the season. Results will
show up later in the winter
- Participants in order of seeding:
1. Boar's Nest (Hall of Fame) - Power Index: 2
2. Asia (K Street) - PI: 6
3. TRB (Shadowball) - PI: 10
4. Carlisle (Beatleball) - PI: 17
5. Rainy City (Longball) - PI: 31
6. Milford (Hall of Fame) - Wild Card - PI: 1
7. South Hill (Longball) - Wild Card - PI: 3
8. NJ (Shadowball) - Wild Card - PI: 4
- Championship Match-ups:
- Hall of Fame: Oaxaca vs. Boar's Nest
- Shadowball: Tombstone vs. TRB
- Beatleball: Carlisle vs.London
- Longball: Rainy City vs.
- K Street: Dawns vs. Asia
- 2005 First Round Draft Picks - are now
available as part of the player lists. Use the "Other"
filter to pull them out of the larger list. First rounders
must sign by the Rule V Draft in December or they are removed from
the system (including your team if you still have him at that
time) and do not get added again until they qualify by one of the
normal ways or are drafted again.
- Minor League Schedule Update
- In the last couple of years, I've been able to
download all the stat files by organization off of Baseball
America online and take a couple weeks to go through and pick out
our stats for our minor league season. That option isn't
available this year - I can't take that snapshot in time and fill
in the stats later.
- I don't have time to run the Week 7 stats this
week so my current plan (still subject to change):
- Wait until Week 11 rosters are in to pull minor
league stats - you'll get season-to-date stats for everyone on
your minor league roster that week.
- Anyone on your Week 7 minor league list who
isn't there anymore in Week 11 will be included in the Week 11
- Is your team losing a lot of 1-run and
extra-inning games? If so, you're coming close to
winning those games - what can you do to help get you over the
- Try to reduce the number of Benchwarmer
Batters - and the automatic 2 errors each one commits - Make
sure your bench is full of players who are in the majors, not on
the DL, and ideally are real-life starters. In a perfect
world you can cover each position, if needed. Errors may
mean the difference between a win or loss in a close game.
- Make sure your bullpen is manned by 5
relievers getting regular duty. The Pinesitter Pitcher
in the bullpen is a killer this year and if you have more than one
in a game, you're working uphill.
- Keep 2 healthy major leaguers in your spot
pitcher role - I'd still suggest 2 starters. Despite
allowing pitchers to move up in the rotation this year, you'll
still be in trouble at some point without a start from the spot
position if you have a member of the rotation miss a start or two.
- I think this is fairly bug-free - Check out the
new Trade Rumors page.
(In the future, access it from the main transactions page).
- One new thing from last week - you're going to
have to accept trades twice in order to prevent any
quick-fingered mistakes (or protect you from your cat pressing the
button - no lie - someone on ESPN once used that excuse on why we
should all let him pick up his cut player first).
- Please take note of the "Transaction Warning"
if it appears by your team name in the upper left corner of the
screen - and fix any problems before the deadline.
- To clarify how I handle transactions that
aren't complete:
- If you don't indicate the type of cut - leaving
it at "Choose type of cut" - I interpret that as an outright
- If you don't indicate a round or type of
signing - leaving the transaction type as just "Choose" - I ignore
the request completely (I have given some new people the benefit
of the doubt).
- But to make things crystal clear and avoid
misinterpretations on my part (and it's too much work to change
later, so you'll be stuck), please make sure you fully complete
the transaction process - and if you have extra players - some of
you seem to use the transaction list as a holding pen for players
you don't eventually want to sign - please remove them from your
transaction submission by using the far right column on the modify
area - "Remove". Choose "drop" and it will remove them from
your transaction list.
- Due to some changes in the source of Minor
League stats (Baseball America no longer has an agreement to
publish them and they had a great format to use), I'm modifying
the BWB Minor League season. Stats will be checked now in
weeks 7, 11, 15, 19, & 23. This is still subject to change
if it becomes too hard to look up.
- It's going to be a long time before I get the
message boards up again - I had always intended to start up a
group on Yahoo, but someone beat me to it - thanks to Anthony Citarella
for taking the initiative
- but sorry I didn't promote it sooner. For those of you
looking for an outlet to post messages and get a little of the
back and forth:
Click to join BenchwarmerBaseball Yahoo Group
- The Player of the Week is Back! This
year, you get 25K for having a player win a weekly category (up
from 10K). Winners for Weeks 1-3 are now posted (and money
credited to your accounts). In the future, you can access
the page from your league home page or the
statistics index.
- Don't forget, we've got a rule change if you
don't have an available spot starter to fill in for your missing
normal starter - we'll check down in the rotation to see if anyone
can move up. This may cause a little havoc with your
rotation, but hopefully will avoid some Pinesitter Pitcher
appearances (you'll eventually need to have a spot starter
available to break the cycle of moving pitchers up).
- Benchwarmer Bash -
Game Six - Gorilla finishes off D-Town with a 7-2 triumph
to become the first all-around BWB Champ.
- A couple rules questions -
- I think I originally intended the 80% salary
rebate to start on Week 1, but I previously published it starting
on Week Zero - so it is now in effect (see
2005 Transaction Schedule)
- New guys in Spring Training who aren't listed
on the player lists (like, say, Iguchi) won't appear until they
show up in a major league game. Why? Well, kind of
"because". So why are some A and AA players available?
See the rules page on player additions
or some of the questions in the FAQs.
- By the way, the written form of the rule book
is for now the final arbiter - see page 32 - I actually eliminated
the "non-roster invitees" part of the rule for adding players in
December/January (eliminated the very first off season).
That's not to say there still aren't some errors - and I will have
a list of errata soon.
2005 Rule Changes for our
last updates before the season, including:
- Quantifying the adjustment for hits and walks
given up by a pitching staff and how it affects the game score.
- A slight change in handling the pitching
rotation - specifically if your scheduled starter misses a turn.
- Contract extensions
are now active. You can also access the form from your team
sign/cut page and from the main Transactions link at the top of
the page.
- Suggestion
- Contract extensions are not due until the end of July.
Beatleball and Hall of Fame League owners can only take $5 million
into the season and so for some of them now over that level,
contract extensions now make sense. But you potentially
are wasting your money if a player gets a season-ending injury
early in 2005.
- Are you getting email from Benchwarmer
Baseball? - Email from this site gets forwarded using a
server script - and may be interpreted by some systems as SPAM
unless you add BWB as a trusted site. You should have been
getting many broadcast emails from us for the last few weeks.
If not, try going to your team page and send yourself an email -
OR use this SPAM TESTER.
- We know when email gets returned due to a
problem (and one current user has that situation), but we have no
way to tell if our emails are blocked by spam filters.
- Redistribution Draft - Results posted
- New Players - The off-season player
additions are complete and you can now choose them for your
Startup or Redistribution Draft. Use the "New in 2005" filter at
the top of the selection pages.
- At the same time, unsigned 2004 1st Round draft
Stephen Drew, Philip Humber, Jeff Niemann, Jared Weaver
have been eliminated from the player lists and were removed
from any team that owned them or any draft list that included
- You'll find several new filter choices for
viewing and picking available players.