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2024 Schedule - Hall of Fame League
This Week's Games
Full Season Schedule by Team
Current Standings
All matchups below are 3-game series
Week 1Las Vegas at We're | Ozzie Smith's at Ancient | Pistol at Springfield | San Diego at California | Nordeast at Canton | Seattle at Vice City | Alcatraz at High Octane | Give Me at Oaxaca | Las Vegas at Ozzie Smith's | We're at Ancient | Pistol at San Diego | Springfield at California | Nordeast at Seattle | Canton at Vice City | Alcatraz at Give Me | High Octane at Oaxaca |
Week 2Las Vegas at Ancient | We're at Ozzie Smith's | Pistol at California | Springfield at San Diego | Nordeast at Vice City | Canton at Seattle | Alcatraz at Oaxaca | High Octane at Give Me | We're at Las Vegas | Ancient at Ozzie Smith's | Springfield at Pistol | California at San Diego | Canton at Nordeast | Vice City at Seattle | High Octane at Alcatraz | Oaxaca at Give Me |
Week 3Ozzie Smith's at Las Vegas | Ancient at We're | San Diego at Pistol | California at Springfield | Seattle at Nordeast | Vice City at Canton | Give Me at Alcatraz | Oaxaca at High Octane | Ancient at Las Vegas | Ozzie Smith's at We're | California at Pistol | San Diego at Springfield | Vice City at Nordeast | Seattle at Canton | Oaxaca at Alcatraz | Give Me at High Octane |
Week 4Pistol at Las Vegas | We're at Springfield | Ozzie Smith's at San Diego | Ancient at California | Alcatraz at Nordeast | Canton at High Octane | Seattle at Give Me | Vice City at Oaxaca | Las Vegas at Nordeast | We're at Canton | Ozzie Smith's at Seattle | Ancient at Vice City | Pistol at Alcatraz | Springfield at High Octane | San Diego at Give Me | California at Oaxaca |
Week 5Las Vegas at Springfield | We're at California | Pistol at Ozzie Smith's | San Diego at Ancient | Nordeast at High Octane | Canton at Oaxaca | Alcatraz at Seattle | Give Me at Vice City | Canton at Las Vegas | Seattle at We're | Vice City at Ozzie Smith's | Alcatraz at Ancient | High Octane at Pistol | Give Me at Springfield | Oaxaca at San Diego | Nordeast at California |
Week 6San Diego at Las Vegas | Springfield at We're | California at Ozzie Smith's | Pistol at Ancient | Give Me at Nordeast | High Octane at Canton | Oaxaca at Seattle | Alcatraz at Vice City | Seattle at Las Vegas | Vice City at We're | Alcatraz at Ozzie Smith's | High Octane at Ancient | Give Me at Pistol | Oaxaca at Springfield | Nordeast at San Diego | Canton at California |
Week 7California at Las Vegas | We're at San Diego | Ozzie Smith's at Springfield | Ancient at Pistol | Oaxaca at Nordeast | Canton at Give Me | Seattle at High Octane | Vice City at Alcatraz | Las Vegas at Vice City | We're at Alcatraz | Ozzie Smith's at High Octane | Ancient at Give Me | Pistol at Oaxaca | Springfield at Nordeast | San Diego at Canton | California at Seattle |
Week 8Las Vegas at Pistol | San Diego at We're | Ozzie Smith's at California | Ancient at Springfield | Nordeast at Alcatraz | Give Me at Canton | Seattle at Oaxaca | High Octane at Vice City | Alcatraz at Las Vegas | High Octane at We're | Give Me at Ozzie Smith's | Oaxaca at Ancient | Nordeast at Pistol | Canton at Springfield | Seattle at San Diego | Vice City at California |
Week 9Springfield at Las Vegas | Pistol at We're | San Diego at Ozzie Smith's | California at Ancient | High Octane at Nordeast | Alcatraz at Canton | Give Me at Seattle | Oaxaca at Vice City | High Octane at Las Vegas | Give Me at We're | Oaxaca at Ozzie Smith's | Nordeast at Ancient | Canton at Pistol | Seattle at Springfield | Vice City at San Diego | Alcatraz at California |
Week 10Las Vegas at San Diego | California at We're | Ozzie Smith's at Pistol | Springfield at Ancient | Nordeast at Give Me | Oaxaca at Canton | Seattle at Alcatraz | Vice City at High Octane | Las Vegas at Give Me | We're at Oaxaca | Ozzie Smith's at Nordeast | Ancient at Canton | Pistol at Seattle | Springfield at Vice City | San Diego at Alcatraz | California at High Octane |
Week 11Las Vegas at California | We're at Pistol | Springfield at Ozzie Smith's | Ancient at San Diego | Nordeast at Oaxaca | Canton at Alcatraz | High Octane at Seattle | Vice City at Give Me | Las Vegas at Oaxaca | We're at Nordeast | Ozzie Smith's at Canton | Ancient at Seattle | Pistol at Vice City | Springfield at Alcatraz | San Diego at High Octane | California at Give Me |
Week 12We're at Las Vegas | Ancient at Ozzie Smith's | Springfield at Pistol | California at San Diego | Canton at Nordeast | Vice City at Seattle | High Octane at Alcatraz | Oaxaca at Give Me | Ozzie Smith's at Las Vegas | Ancient at We're | San Diego at Pistol | California at Springfield | Seattle at Nordeast | Vice City at Canton | Alcatraz at Give Me | Oaxaca at High Octane |
Week 13Ancient at Las Vegas | Ozzie Smith's at We're | California at Pistol | San Diego at Springfield | Vice City at Nordeast | Seattle at Canton | Alcatraz at Oaxaca | Give Me at High Octane | Las Vegas at We're | Ozzie Smith's at Ancient | Pistol at Springfield | San Diego at California | Nordeast at Canton | Seattle at Vice City | Alcatraz at High Octane | Give Me at Oaxaca |
Week 14Las Vegas at Ozzie Smith's | We're at Ancient | Pistol at San Diego | Springfield at California | Nordeast at Seattle | Canton at Vice City | Give Me at Alcatraz | High Octane at Oaxaca | Las Vegas at Ancient | We're at Ozzie Smith's | Pistol at California | Springfield at San Diego | Nordeast at Vice City | Canton at Seattle | Oaxaca at Alcatraz | High Octane at Give Me |
Week 15Oaxaca at Las Vegas | Nordeast at We're | Canton at Ozzie Smith's | Seattle at Ancient | Vice City at Pistol | Alcatraz at Springfield | High Octane at San Diego | Give Me at California | California at Las Vegas | Pistol at We're | Ozzie Smith's at Springfield | Ancient at San Diego | Oaxaca at Nordeast | Alcatraz at Canton | Seattle at High Octane | Vice City at Give Me |
Week 16Give Me at Las Vegas | Oaxaca at We're | Nordeast at Ozzie Smith's | Canton at Ancient | Seattle at Pistol | Vice City at Springfield | Alcatraz at San Diego | High Octane at California | San Diego at Las Vegas | We're at California | Pistol at Ozzie Smith's | Ancient at Springfield | Give Me at Nordeast | Canton at Oaxaca | Alcatraz at Seattle | Vice City at High Octane |
Week 17Las Vegas at High Octane | We're at Give Me | Ozzie Smith's at Oaxaca | Ancient at Nordeast | Pistol at Canton | Springfield at Seattle | San Diego at Vice City | California at Alcatraz | Las Vegas at Springfield | We're at Pistol | Ozzie Smith's at San Diego | Ancient at California | Nordeast at High Octane | Canton at Alcatraz | Seattle at Give Me | Vice City at Oaxaca |
Week 18Las Vegas at Alcatraz | We're at High Octane | Ozzie Smith's at Give Me | Ancient at Oaxaca | Pistol at Nordeast | Springfield at Canton | San Diego at Seattle | California at Vice City | Pistol at Las Vegas | We're at San Diego | California at Ozzie Smith's | Springfield at Ancient | Alcatraz at Nordeast | Canton at Give Me | Oaxaca at Seattle | High Octane at Vice City |
Week 19Vice City at Las Vegas | Alcatraz at We're | High Octane at Ozzie Smith's | Give Me at Ancient | Oaxaca at Pistol | Nordeast at Springfield | Canton at San Diego | Seattle at California | Las Vegas at California | San Diego at We're | Springfield at Ozzie Smith's | Pistol at Ancient | Nordeast at Oaxaca | Give Me at Canton | High Octane at Seattle | Alcatraz at Vice City |
Week 20Las Vegas at Seattle | We're at Vice City | Ozzie Smith's at Alcatraz | Ancient at High Octane | Pistol at Give Me | Springfield at Oaxaca | San Diego at Nordeast | California at Canton | Las Vegas at San Diego | We're at Springfield | Ozzie Smith's at California | Ancient at Pistol | Nordeast at Give Me | Canton at High Octane | Seattle at Oaxaca | Vice City at Alcatraz |
Week 21Las Vegas at Canton | We're at Seattle | Ozzie Smith's at Vice City | Ancient at Alcatraz | Pistol at High Octane | Springfield at Give Me | San Diego at Oaxaca | California at Nordeast | Springfield at Las Vegas | California at We're | Ozzie Smith's at Pistol | San Diego at Ancient | High Octane at Nordeast | Oaxaca at Canton | Seattle at Alcatraz | Give Me at Vice City |
Week 22Nordeast at Las Vegas | Canton at We're | Seattle at Ozzie Smith's | Vice City at Ancient | Alcatraz at Pistol | High Octane at Springfield | Give Me at San Diego | Oaxaca at California | Las Vegas at Pistol | Springfield at We're | San Diego at Ozzie Smith's | California at Ancient | Nordeast at Alcatraz | High Octane at Canton | Give Me at Seattle | Oaxaca at Vice City |
Week 23Las Vegas at We're | Ozzie Smith's at Ancient | Pistol at Springfield | San Diego at California | Nordeast at Canton | Seattle at Vice City | Alcatraz at High Octane | Give Me at Oaxaca | Las Vegas at Ozzie Smith's | We're at Ancient | Pistol at San Diego | Springfield at California | Nordeast at Seattle | Canton at Vice City | Alcatraz at Give Me | High Octane at Oaxaca |
Week 24Las Vegas at Ancient | We're at Ozzie Smith's | Pistol at California | Springfield at San Diego | Nordeast at Vice City | Canton at Seattle | Alcatraz at Oaxaca | High Octane at Give Me | We're at Las Vegas | Ancient at Ozzie Smith's | Springfield at Pistol | California at San Diego | Canton at Nordeast | Vice City at Seattle | High Octane at Alcatraz | Oaxaca at Give Me |
Week 25Ozzie Smith's at Las Vegas | Ancient at We're | San Diego at Pistol | California at Springfield | Seattle at Nordeast | Vice City at Canton | Give Me at Alcatraz | Oaxaca at High Octane | Ancient at Las Vegas | Ozzie Smith's at We're | California at Pistol | San Diego at Springfield | Vice City at Nordeast | Seattle at Canton | Oaxaca at Alcatraz | Give Me at High Octane |